"A man doesn't know what he knows until he knows what he doesn't know."

--Dr. Laurence J. Peter

We are Panther Information Searches and We Check Backgrounds.

  • You are looking for a background search for a good reason. Do not assume you know the truth. You need to check someone's background to really know who you are dealing with. Perhaps you want to know more about the person with whom you are entering a relationship. Or maybe it is a new business partnership and you need some information about the person you are working with. There are lots of good reasons to do a background search, but the end result is you want and need peace of mind. Most instant background check websites are just that -- "instant." They provide you with information you can most likely find yourself on the Internet. Or they do nothing more than pull information off of free public record sources or from older, outdated published information.
  • If you are looking for someone to quickly do a search of easily accessible online databases, then we are not the company for you. We are Licensed Private Investigators with over 30 years experience. We know the drill! Our databases are secure and privileged databases that numerous Law Enforcement Agencies also use to access the most updated information available. Does the company you are thinking of using have the same qualifications? Where do they get their information?
  • So what are you getting for the money you spend? Why get old information and then have to start all over again once you realize the information you receive is not current. Panther Information Searches gives you the latest possible information with the best privileged information that is currently available. We may not be the least expensive, but We Are The Best!



  • Requested Single Item Search
  • such as last known address,
  • last employment or business,
  • or past and present addresses


  • Please click below to see
  • the list of services
  • included but not limited to
  • our Comprehensive Search


  • We do our best to find
  • Owners, Officers, Partners,
  • Addresses and other
  • Key information.